Sunday, 4 September 2011

Work Quirk

Hello again.

I feared I would let the blog fizzle...and I did. I am still a receptionist but working in a new place and a new industry. I've passed the six month mark and feel more settled there so what better time to resume blogging?

I had hoped a change of scenery and some new faces would allow me to be less angry. I am now more likely to be miffed or mildly perturbed than angry. Certainly better for my blood pressure.

In my new role there is one particular task that I find rather irksome. In a quaint throwback to office cultures of old, I am routinely asked to make tea and coffee for the Big Boss Men when they are meetings clients. Why does this feel a little sexist when they ask me to do this? Best to try to keep my indignation under control as sometimes there is precious else to fill my time.

Entertainingly there is one particular BBM who is a fan of stronger beverages. He goes out for long lunches nearly every day and comes back reeking of booze. His first request upon returning to the office is a strong pot of coffee when he has a client to meet. I hurry a bit more with his requests when he's been enjoying his liquid lunch...still good at prioritising!