Thursday 17 June 2010

Oh dear, Oh DEAR

We have a temp until further notice. But Imelda is redundant right? So he's taking care of all the new duties that have appeared in the interim...I guess.

A few things about our temp:

A) He told me on his first day that he is a Pagan.
B) On his second day he obviously felt comfortable enough to start wearing his silver ring that has a wolf's head on it and glittery rhinestone eyes.
C) Yesterday he told me he's excited that Weird Al Yankovic has announced a gig in London. He's a little concerned the venue won't be big enough for all the fans of Weird Al. I did not share his concern.

I shouldn't complain I guess, he brings me cups of tea and I don't even have to bully him into it.

1 comment:

  1. I would be happy to be your temp instead. FIrst off, I need a job, because rent requires money.

    Also, I am not a pagan, nor do I express my love of wolves by owning their likeness.

    I would more likely get you coffee though. It is dark and bitter, like life often is.

    And of course being friends, I don't mind some good natured bullying. Just don't make me cry.
